What Is Functional Nutrition?
Functional nutrition is a holistic approach to nutrition that focuses on identifying and addressing the root causes of health issues by using food as medicine, considering individual needs and lifestyle factors to create personalized dietary plans, rather than just treating symptoms with a one-size-fits-all approach. We focus on whole body health, specializing in brain and gut health and whole-body balance.
The nutritionist considers your health history including medical tests, symptoms, current medications and protocols you are following, stress factors, and life trauma. These factors all influence your current health conditions. From this, the nutritionist will create a plan and health protocol for you that will include diet, supplements and herbs, life style changes, additional functional testing when indicated. The goal is to make sustainable changes to improve the quality of your life and reach your health goals!
Bottom line, we want to know why you’re not feeling well and find a path to reaching your goals and optimal health!
First Appointment with us?
Contact us to verify your health insurance: Send or bring in your health insurance card front and back, photo ID
Set up your patient portal on Practice Better through the email link invite
Complete the health history and other intake forms at least 48 hours before your appointment
Have your initial appointment with Tori and begin your journey to understanding your health and living your best life!
Next step...Contact us to book your appointment

Victoria (Tori) Lawlor, MS, CNS, LNS, LDN Functional Nutritionist
Tori is a Functional Nutritionist, graduating Summa Cum Laude from the University of Bridgeport with a Masters in Clinical Nutrition and an undergraduate degree from Brown University. She is a Licensed Dietary Nutritionist, and Certified Nutritionist Specialist with a passion to help others find holistic real-life solutions.
How is she different? Tori believes in a fully integrative approach to address mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health. Each client is assessed individually, including diet, biochemistry, medical history, genetics, environment, stress, and lifestyle. She uses evidence-based nutritional therapies to develop a plan of small and sustainable changes to your diet, lifestyle and mindset behaviors so that you can go from surviving to thriving.
This is functional nutrition.
Tori will work alongside healthcare providers you are currently seeing to complement and enhance your care. She will work with a spectrum of conditions from general health and dietary guidance to specific support with health conditions and disease, such as, digestive disorders, hormonal imbalances, autoimmune, high blood pressure, cholesterol, childhood conditions.
Health Insurance Accepted